Friday, April 11, 2008

Class of 2008!

Bring on the GRADS!!! This is the first year that I've really tried to market "senior" photography - and I'm wondering why I waited so long! Don't get me wrong - you all know how much I love babies (especially newborns!)...but, there's something to be said for subjects that stay exactly where I put them...look when I ask them to, and don't pee on my furniture! I'm having a lot of fun with this age group...and...they're all so stunning!

Paige - I think it was worth the cancelled sessions!


Anonymous said...

GORGEOUS!! What a pretty girl and great pictures!

Kara May said...

I know I told you this before - but these totally rock!!!! Thanks for your sweet well wishes for my little girl. They have wireless at this hospital so I'm taking advantage of when she's sleeping :) Beautiful work!!